June 16, 2017
Minnesota representing at reunion in NYC!...
Club members connecting at reunion in 2017!
October 15, 2016
Salsa Dancing!
Thanks to Julia Leigh McCreight for leading us in a great Columbia Connects event!
April 02, 2014
TCAN - Twin Cities Alumni Network...
The Minnesota Club enjoyed a January happy hour with the Ivy+ and TCAN alumni and clubs!
August 08, 2013
Alumni Clubs Around the World
Every fall, over fifty alumni clubs connect with local alumni and form a global network of connected Columbians in the annual initiative, started six years ago. Enjoy these photos from...
August 04, 2013
Ivy Ball, Hong Kong
At the 25th annual Hong Kong Ivy Ball, Columbia alumni won first place in the School Song Competition with this mashup of the school song and several contemporary pop hits....