Johns Hopkins Fieldtrip Event: Tours of New Sweden Dairy and Cambria Quartz Facility

Join fellow alumni and guests for tours of both the New Sweden Dairy and Cambria.  Dairy tour and presentation will begin at 10:00am, a pizza lunch will be provided at 11:30am and then the group will tour Cambria immediately following lunch.  New Sweden Dairy Fieldtrip Tour will include the 3,200 milking facility with 72-stall rotary parlor and sand-bedded cross-ventilated free-stall barn.  This farm serves as the transition cow facility for Davis Family Dairies to calve over 7,000 cows annually.  Cambria Fieldtrip Tour will include seeing the manufacturing plant and getting to see how a slab is created from start to finish.

April 26, 2014 at 10:00am - 1:30pm

New Sweden Dairy

43475 County Rd 15
Nicollet, MN 56074
United States



Will you come?